
Chile Pepper Volunteer Experience

No event of this scale is possible without volunteers, so that is why we offer this to you.

  • Northwest Arkansas Area High School Booster Clubs/XC Teams fill the spots first.
  • 2024 has additional needs due to the 1 mile race and Godpepper 10K on Friday evening and the College, High School, and Junior meet on Saturday
  • Special parking passes for up close parking on race day. You will be less than 500 yards from the starting line!
  • Race Day, we serve coffee and special treats in the Volunteer Tent to get you started. We’ll size you up for official Chile Pepper T-Shirt to wear that day and keep.

Specific jobs available:

Thursday – Race Village Set Up

  • Merchandise Setup and Sales/Tear down (10) – sell merchandise and pack up afterwards (1-5pm and 5-9pm)
  • Registration Setup and Administration (10) Help pass out pre-registered and process walk ups (4-8pm)

Friday and Saturday – Race Day

The community races (Tom Lewis 1 Mile and Godpepper 10K) will take place on Friday evening
The college, high school, and junior high school races will take place on Saturday

  • Course Crossing Traffic Control (12)-keep the course safe for racers/pedestrians
  • Parking Directors inside course (10)-help organize flow of traffic early in morning
  • Merchandise Sales (10)-sell unique merchandise
  • Finish Line Chip Snippers/Chute Patrol (10)-retrieve chips, keep runners moving after finish
  • Medical Personnel; any nurse, doctor, EMT, physical therapist, etc…that would like to assist with any bumps or bruises in our medical tent.

Contact volunteering@chilepepperfestival.org or rreina@fayac.com if you want to help! Make a difference. Have some fun. Cheer on and host participants from across the country…from Oregon to New York City! If you just don’t want to volunteer, then come watch, buy some cool Chile Pepper Stuff or enter the race/fun run to support the local high school cross country teams. They’ll be there, how ’bout YOU?