
The Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival is committed to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants, coaches and spectators. Our Medical Action Plan is a critical component of our event, designed to address and manage potential health risks associated with cross country running. From pre-race preparations to on-site medical support and emergency protocols, we have developed a comprehensive plan to keep athletes safe and ready to perform at their best.

Pre-Race Preparation
Our commitment to athlete safety begins well before race day. We advise athletes, coaches and parents to review important health guidelines, including hydration and nutrition strategies, and to be aware of signs of heat-related illnesses and injuries. Our team will collaborate with local medical experts and meteorologists to ensure all necessary precautions are in place both ahead of and during our event.

It is important to start your preparation for competition, especially related to hydration, well ahead of your race day. Please see our Race Week Guide for some strategies to prepare for the Chile Pepper Festival.

On-Site Medical Support
During the Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival, medical support is readily available to address any emergent health concerns. Working with UAMS and CEMS, our medical station in our Festival Area is staffed by trained professionals equipped to handle common race-related issues such as dehydration, heat exhaustion and major injuries. In the event of a medical emergency, our staff is prepared to provide immediate care and transport athletes to advanced medical facilities if necessary.

Emergency Protocols
If an athlete shows signs of distress, they should report if able to the medical station or notify an official or volunteer immediately. Our trained medical personnel will assess the situation and take appropriate action, including implementing cooling measures, administering fluids and providing first aid. Communication channels are in place to keep race officials and medical teams informed, ensuring a coordinated response to any emergency that may arise.

Post-Race Care
Recovery is a key part of our medical action plan. After the race, we provide hydration stations to help athletes recover. Medical staff at our finish line will monitor participants for any heat-related symptoms and offer additional care if needed. Coaches and parents are encouraged to continue observing athletes for any post-race issues to ensure their well-being.

Your athletes’ health and safety are our top priority. Our comprehensive Medical Action Plan is designed to create a secure environment so that athletes can focus on their performance and enjoy the Festival.